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Washingtons Christian
Olen Baker • May 15, 2024

If the Constitution matters to you at all… 

And the direction our country is going is a concern… 

Take my suggestion to consider this article carefully as more than just a "op ed suggestion." 

But more as a Truth or Consequences at high cost from hard won conviction. 

Regardless of what you think about the articles I write. Check out my supernatural action thriller series, Redemption. 

The first book is out, the second is on the way soon. Hopefully, the cover art won’t scare you too much over the idea of a convicted felon that isn’t allowed to have a firearm and has no magic to fight demon raising cultists and rogue government agencies and other monsters from nightmares.  

Because child sacrificing cultists aren’t as evil as guns according to critics out there?

Back to the issue at hand,  let me pose this for you to consider. If you were asked to explain the “Pursuit of Happiness” could you? If a leftist challenged you on it intellectually, could you defend it or would you be defeated without a word said by a blue haired psycho that doesn’t even know if they have a gender much less which one they are?

Fun fact for people who took an oath to enlist, as I did:
Our oath doesn’t expire, as most of us are fond of repeating. However, what is not that often said is that our defense for the constitution applies to ALL THREATS, and not just those convenient.

And herein, we get into the weeds of what becomes a threat, to be a clear and present danger that should be checked. And clearly there are people who are operating with no critical thinking skills and ignorance to have no situational awareness of what is friend or foe.

Well let's trim back those weeds and prune off the overgrowth a little so we can see what is clear and present first?

“What is the Pursuit of Happiness” is a good self test to see if you can offer an explanation, and defense of it. And if a gun were held to your head to give the Right answer, would you pass or fail?

Across the world from us,
there are places where if you meet up with the wrong people you are likely to lose your head if you cannot recite a particular verse or chapter from the quran. And even then you may be asked to drop your pants and prove you are not circumcised. 

That may be something some college kids should be learning right now, if we wise up and start deporting people that do not belong in our country. And I am actually not talking about just only illegal immigrants who are coming into our country with no respect nor fear of our laws and not facing any obvious consequence.

Pretty obvious from where I am standing, we should be deporting a lot of people taking their citizenship for granted because they did nothing to earn it and have nothing but disdain for what gave it to them to begin with.

We are a country that was settled on First Principles expressed by our Founding Fathers… Which according to the left are just so much “wastern european white supremacy beliefs.” Which isn’t something I can take seriously coming from the source of a bunch of marxists that got their fruit from the poison tree of wastern european race masters. 

Oh yeah, Karl Marx was from Germany and the political leaders that are spawned from his philosophy went on to do great things. Measured by how many millions of bodies filled mass graves under the banner of “From those who have to those who need” through genocidal ideology in special interest to wage war against God and all of creation. 

And no I am not just speaking about the few millions of Jews that were murdered by the German National Socialist party for a few years in the 20th century until everyone in the world not Marxist, went to war against all the marxists… and found convenient aid from marxist warring against marxist when Hitler decided that Stalin wasnt serious about answering the “Jewish Question.”

Stalin loved the “Final Solution” as an answer to just about every question including those about his own people and scored one of the higher body counts among marxist leaders, neck and neck with Mao.  

But I am only repeating the obvious and known history that everyone in the world should be taught. Nothing kills like communism, and there is no one guilty of greater human rights abuse than the Left.

What we should be taught, and learn from history is there are consequences for trying to make war against God. And there are immediate consequences for not respecting God Given Rights that people with absent moral judgement can’t see.

But fun fact, people who lawfully immigrate here, have to actually still study the constitution, and take an oath of allegiance. And face deportation if they fail their oath. I have to wonder how much better off our country would be if every citizen was held to that standard considering
what is in that oath.

Not only to give faith and allegiance to the US and renounce all foreign ties and influence…not only to defend the Constitution against all enemies…. But even and especially the “So Help You God” part.

“Oh but you can’t force people to say “God.”

No, and I can’t force people to swear an oath to allegiance either.  And to any that would not I can say where they can go elsewhere that they may not like to hear. Especially to people that have a problem with God Given Rights and would not defend them out of whatever reason feels convenient for them to wave their surrender flag with pride and chanting some other mantra as a principle, such as maybe “I am neither left nor right.” 

Including and especially because they have a foreign interest in serving values that are against the Constitution. 

It kinda goes without saying, that obviously, the God of the Founding Fathers is not against the Constitution nor anything the Founders wrote in it. And any god or gods that do have something against the Constitution, can go to hell and take their followers with them. 

The General Order that George Washington issued to our military, to become Christian…. Wasn’t just a suggestion.
And neither was his statement concerning use of the Bible to govern our Country with. But then he was also addressing people who were, in the words of his final address to the naiton as President, “with slight shades of difference, you have the same religion, manners, habits, and political principles.”

But gee whiz, I keep hearing from the left that the Founders were not Christian. And when I point out that our Declaration of Independence expresses God Given Rights…which protect us from the whims of man and having Rights which are in effect, permissions and or perhaps, privileges. But then I am confronted by “Which gods?” and am told “The Constitution has no reference to Christianity or God in it”

There is only One that applies to “The Year of Our Lord” above all the signatures that legally certified the Constitution as a binding agreement.

But then tell me why someone really has an objection to swearing an oath to God to defend the Constitution…and what other god or gods worth a damn will support and defend the Constitution?

Count yourself blessed if you never heard of a famous atheist named Richard Dawkins. But one of the youtube clips you can find on him was where he was mocking Christians and claiming you can ask an average Christian to name the Gospels and they wouldn't know it. Of course, when asked if he could name the book atheists believe in from darwin, Richard Dawkins forgot he was atheist and prayed, asking God for the name of his bible.

“Oh he was only taking God’s name in vain, he wasn’t really praying.” Yeah, most people who pray are taking God’s name in vain.

But there is more than a grain of truth in what dawkins was criticizing. However, he was also taking advantage of the very normal and average condition of humans, to be ignorant to know little or nothing about God, much less the “owners manual” God made sure to have hand delivered to us.

If you do happen to know who dawkins is, you may know I am picking on him in this article because he recently claimed himself to be a “cultural christian.” Which means as much to me as his claim to be a scientist.

And I kinda think maybe Dawkins should be deported into an atheist culture where evolution is believed true by faith alone, and there are no ethics to be guided by under the government regulation and funding of his religiously practiced science.

But clearly Dawkins enjoys the benefits of being a sub class of Christian (as much as being a fruitless scientist that has nothing of any value to offer society) to abuse his liberty and backbite from ignorance for ignorance sake. Regardless of what a psychopath it makes him look like and leads others to be.

And let me pose the question in the face of that, would you prefer a doctor that is Christian in his ethics to treat your medical emergencies such as Dr. Ben Carson or C. Everett Koop, or an atheist such as Joseph Mengele or Kermit Gosnell? 

I gotta wonder if dawkins considered a question like that when he responded with his preference to living in a Christian culture over any other alternative. Even when he has stupidly said “There is nothing in the bible that is true” around the same time frame that he confirmed what Jesus said, that from the beginning there has been both male and female genders and there are no other.

Woops, that just killed evolution, but never mind reality.

It should go without saying that the Constitution does not force anyone to be a Christian. Which is why we are not strictly speaking, a “Christian Country.” We just…call ourselves one in preference to any other ideology that has no relationship with our Constitution except as an often found ungrateful begger, and not a provider. 

Our Country is not a theocracy and was never intended to be and is strictly prohibited from becoming one not just through the First amendment…

But also through God Himself by His Son Jesus. Or does anyone believe otherwise enough to find me where in the bible that Jesus forced anyone to follow Him? It isn’t there. Nor is any command from God or Jesus that leads people to believe Jesus commanded us to go and force people to convert to Christianity. 

Becoming a Christian is not something that can be performed by any hand other than God’s alone. Although I have little doubt too many people believe the opposite and think you can say magic words and get wet to “poof” yourself into being a Christian. And also act like their belief is superior to the Will of God to give God little to no say over whether He has to be forced to spend eternity with an ungrateful bottom feeder too ignorant and dishonest for anyone in their Right mind to want to be near. 

I know that may be shocking to hear from a Christian about my God. But don’t worry, the only people that ever get sent to hell are ignorant and dishonest people. Don’t want to go to hell? Don’t be a stupid liar and you won’t as long as you fear God alone and do what is right.

But there is only one Person with the authority to legally adopt me into becoming a co-heir of the Tribe of Judah and house of David to be as much a jew as any person that ever lived, and face just as many enemies as any Jew ever has.

Including His own people if necessary.

This world has two kinds of people that call themselves Christian. And God did not give us any means of issuing a license or membership card for the privilege that is too often abused. So anyone can call themselves one. But as Jesus said, many are called, and few are chosen.

And further Jesus said, in so many words recorded in Matthew 7:21  there would be many who would say, Lord Lord I did stuff in Your name.

But I do not want to necessarily get in the middle of the muck and mire of what the difference is between someone who is a Christian versus someone who takes the Lord’s name in vain. As a lot of us Christians have discussed, there is no telling who we may run into when we are met with our final reward.

We just intend on not sharing the same experience that someone like Hitler is now currently enjoying. And part of what will determine what experience we may enjoy, will be based in how we use our God Given Rights.

Let me offer a mental demonstration for you to consider.

Let’s say you are experiencing a life, no different than primitive man did, who were also endowed by their Creator with the same Rights that today we have. Because we are really not created any different. What was wrong then is still wrong today. Murder isn’t something made right by your psychology. But it should be obvious that there are consequences of error in moral judgement to do things such as lying, stealing, and murdering. Although I guess it isn’t obvious to any atheists that believe morality changed over time and likely think technology determines Rights.

But you wake up one morning and you are out of food, and see a game animal run by.

Are you allowed to chase it down and find food? To be capable of applying your God Given talent, to use any skills and tools at your disposal to achieve success in your endeavors through your labor.

Oh, you have to apply for permission to leave your tent first.. then apply for permission to hunt…after applying for permission to learn the skill for hunting, before you apply for the tools to hunt with? Oh and there is no God that ever gives talents to begin with. Sucks to not respect your own rights enough to learn them, but that likely helps you not worry about what like minded tyrants you have in your tribe if they bring you food and keep you safe and entertained by the labor and suffering of others that have more privileges than you are allowed.

But let's go the other way and say you are in a tribe that has generally Christian ethics.

To be surrounded by people who have no problem doing whatever is needed for you to better yourself and be able to help others in their time of need. Including teach you as best they can to help you prepare for your journey and even supply you with what you need for success.

In otherwords, being Well Regulated, as expressed in the 2nd amendment.

Because there is a vast difference between a person who wants to be Well Regulated, and a person that actually is. Just as there is a difference between someone that wants to eat, and someone that can be the provider. And everything required for you to become Well Regulated, from the ambition to eat, to the access for training for the hunt, to the access of tools for your success… are offered to you as Rights;

If you are not Well Regulated, you are as likely to chase the wind for your happiness as you are anything you actually are lucky enough to know you need to survive. And if you are Well Regulated, you did not become that way without knowing Jesus, to gain the enlightenment required for being that way and thrive when faced with any challenge, and the appreciation for the sacrifices that come with it.

Thomas Jefferson spoke exactly about that when he referenced the Tree of Liberty.

But if you doubt him, and doubt the fact that he was preaching the Gospel of Christ with that quote… take a look at the Tree of Tyranny where ignorance, dishonesty, and cowardice are all you need to make a sacrifice for that to spread across the land.

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