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Political Abortion
Sep 13, 2024

There’s been a lot of fearmongering online and offline by politicians and others about the whole abortion issue. And not just fearmongering but outright lies. I’m going to answer some of those issues. I’m going to use stupid lettering to show just how stupid the arguments are. 

“tRumP iS GoIng To eNaCt A FedErAl aBorTiOn bAn”

This will be a multi-part answer.

  1. Trump was already President and made no such effort, even with a Republican controlled Congress.
  2. Trump has stated, quite clearly and on multiple occasions, that he considered it a state issue and not a Federal one.
  3. The Dobbs decision, that everyone complained about, said that the Federal government had no right to rule on abortion, for or against.

“wE NeeD tO tAkE tHe GovErMenT oUt Of tHe DoCtoR ofFicE”

This is actually one of the most egregious of the arguments. The politicians that are telling you this are the same ones pushing Medicare for All, which in essence makes the Federal government in full control of the Doctors office.
Dobbs took the Federal government out of the doctors office. 

“TheRe ArE wOmEn dyInG bEcAuSe of StaTe’S lAwS”

Another disgusting argument and another multi-part answer.

  1. All 50 states and the District of Columbia allow for the medical exception for the life of the mother. Every last one. 
  2. Federal law states, quite clearly, that an emergency provider must, not may, must provide emergency medical care to anyone, regardless of emergency or ability to pay. Federal law trumps state law.
  3. The concept of primum non nocere (first, do no harm) is supposed to be the background moral of all physicians. If there is indeed a woman suffering anywhere then the doctor is 100% at fault. Their oath to care for patients should be stronger than a non-existent fear of a fine.

“tHeY’Re tAkINg cOnTRoL Of WomEn’S bOdIEs”

So they’re telling you who to sleep with and when? Then you still have control. And if you actually don’t have control then every state provides an exception for rape also. Every single state has clinics or social service offices that provide things like free condoms and several of them offer other free birth control. Ultimately women have full control of what they allow (obviously with the exception of rape) and, with that, they are responsible for what incurs. 

“tHeY waNt To bAn aLL aBoRtiOns”

Wrong. 77% of the country believes abortion should be legal with restrictions. Again, every single state and DC allow for the exceptions of medical emergency and rape.

 What people want to ban is at-will abortions, where there is no medical reason: the mother just doesn’t want to be pregnant anymore. Abortions due to medical emergencies count for less than 1% of all abortions. All exceptions combined are less than 5%. So 95% or more of all abortions are for “just because”. And those are just the ones reported through abortion clinics, that does not include things like the next day pill. So the idea that people are against any abortion is just plain wrong and the idea that all abortions are for medical reasons is just a lie. 

“ThEy’Re tAkINg aWaY oUr RiGhTS’

Dobbs stated quite plainly that there is no right to an abortion anywhere in the Constitution and, per the 10th amendment, returned the issue to the states. Nowhere in Roe did the justices state that there was a right to an abortion, they actually twisted the intention of the 14th amendment to make doctor-patient privacy a right, which doesn’t exist. Even the Notorious RBG, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, stated that Roe was a baseless decision that showed justices intent on activism, not judicial review. Despite being one of the most liberal of justices she knew that Roe was ripe to be overturned and said so.

That covers the main arguments. There are other ones but they are even more idiotic. The fact is that even the justices that decided
Roe called abortion a “necessary evil” and even limited it in scope to medical emergencies and early term. Roe itself gave states the right to regulate abortions past the first trimester. Despite all the claims of being for women’s rights Democrats have made no effort to enact legislation that would actually protect a woman’s right to an abortion, they just use it as a political tool to fearmonger people into voting for them. Roe was a decision that stood for 50 years or so and no bill was ever offered to enshrine it into law, despite Democrats controlling all 3 branches of government for years. 

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