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Guilty Victim
Sep 22, 2024

So…….. If you’re walking down the street and someone takes a shot at you it’s your fault. Don’t believe me? Ask the news channels. They will tell you that Trump is to blame with all his “dangerous rhetoric”. It couldn’t possibly be the actually dangerous rhetoric of the Left, calling Trump Hitler, dangerous, Dictator, authoritarian, Fascist, etc etc. What dangerous rhetoric is Trump saying?


“At a rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Trumpannounces that he has been warned about tomato-throwers in the audience: “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of ’em, would you? Seriously. Just knock the hell—I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise.”

“After a protester interrupts a rally in Warren, Michigan, Trumptells the crowd, “Get him out. Try not to hurt him. If you do, I’ll defend you in court.”

“At arally in St. Louis, Missouri, Trump complains that using violence against putative protesters is frowned upon: “They’re allowed to get up and interrupt us horribly and we have to be very, very gentle. They can swing, they can hit people but if we hit them back it’s a terrible, terrible thing.”

“At a rally in Wilmington, North Carolina, Trump
tells his supporters that Hillary Clinton will abolish gun owners’ rights if elected, then adds, “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people—maybe there is, I don’t know.”

At a rally in Pensacola, Florida, Trump
plays standup comedian in response to a suggestion that migrants should be shot at the border. After complaining that border agents aren’t allowed to
“use weapons” against border-crossers, he adds, “I would never do that. But how do you stop these people?” When someone shouts out, “Shoot them,” Trump chuckles, pauses to let the audience cheer and laugh, then delivers his punchline: “That’s only in the Panhandle you can get away with that statement. Only in the Panhandle,” and basks in the wild applause and laughter.”

“During his debate with Joe Biden, Trump
declines an opportunity to condemn far-right violence, instead telling the Proud Boys, a group implicated in a number of violent incidents, to “stand back and stand by.”

opens the first major rally of his 2024 presidential campaign in Waco, Texas, with “Justice for All,” a recording of the national anthem sung over a phone line by a choir of people in prison for crimes committed on January 6th, including violence against law enforcement officers. Trump declares that
“2024 is the final battle, it’s going to be the big one. You put me back in the White House, their reign will be over and America will be a free nation once again.”

“In a Veterans Day speech to his supporters, Trump pledges to “root out the Communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, that lie and steal and cheat on elections.” He also asserts that this “enemy within” will “do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and to destroy the American Dream.”

“After Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows removes Trump’s name from the primary ballot on the grounds that he is ineligible for the presidency under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, Trump tweets out a link to her biographical information.”

pledges to “Free the January 6 Hostages being wrongfully imprisoned!” as one of his first acts in office if he is elected. (On an earlier occasion, he expressed openness to pardoning even the members of the Proud Boys imprisoned on sedition charges.)”

calls his political opponents “Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country.”

And this is not something I made up or typed up, these are direct quotes from an article posted on
The Bulwark, an online news site.

So anytime Trump says anything that shifts blame to the people who are actually to blame his words are “violent and dangerous rhetoric”.

And yet anything said on the Left is perfectly fine.

It is perfectly fine for Joe Biden to go on national TV, during an actual Presidential address, and call Trump an “existential threat” over and over. It is perfectly fine for Kamala Harris to compare Trump to Hitler and, during a recent interview, claimed that Trump’s comments on the situation in Springfield, OH were “hateful” and causing political unrest.

Perfectly fine for Maxine Waters, in her capacity as a Congressmen, to tell her followers to harass Trump supporters in public. When Ron Goldman said that Trump was a threat that needed to be eliminated he faced backlash only from the Right. He did apologize afterwards but his statement was still printed.

Multiple statements from Joy Reid, while in her guise as a “reporter”, specifically calling for violence against Trump or Trump supporters.

Nancy Pelosi wondered, while on national TV, why there were not more uprisings due to trump’s policies not being what Democrats wanted. The alleged shooter from Sunday’s attack, Ryan Routh, quoted figures like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on his social media, a lot of times using the exact same language as them in his posts.

There are many, many more examples of the Left’s rhetoric online. And not just against Trump specifically. The 2019 attack on an ICE facility was committed by someone who quoted AOC in his “manifesto”. The shooter who almost killed Steve Scalise and Rand Paul while they were at a baseball game field practicing was a huge Bernie Sanders fan who followed him online and quoted him in social media posts.

Chuck Shumer in his capacity of a Senator, while standing on the steps of the Supreme Court, calling out attacks against Supreme Court justices by name, which caused a nutjob to attempt an attack against Kavanaugh. An attack, I must point out, that should have been protected against by Secret Service as an attack against a Government appointee.

This does not include the “Summer of Love” riots that burned multiple cities, injured hundreds of people and killed multiple people, including LEOs. Those riots were defended, and encouraged, by the Left. Including Harris herself encouraging people to donate to a bailfund to bail the rioters out in Minnesota. Night after night the Federal courthouse in Portland, OR was attacked and firebombed with the Federal officers trying to protect the building being attacked and injured.

Pretty ironic, then, that the Left is quick to point their fingers at others while they continue to fire up the mentally deranged with vile and actually hateful rhetoric while trying to make the blame shift to the person, or persons, being attacked. Someone pointed out that this whole idea of it being Trump’s fault is like telling a woman who has been raped that it was her fault for wearing a miniskirt. Anyone would consider that to be a seriously inept comment yet that is exactly what the Left are doing.

Just ask them. They’ll be more than happy to tell you.

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