An atheist is only one moral dilemma away from being leftist on any given moral issue. But let me give all atheists their wish in this article for a moment. So everyone, hold onto your britches and anyone with any religious and or political opinion, suspend your disbeliefs.
And before I get to granting wishes, let me place down some premises so I can grant the “Universe and Earth with No God and No Religion” cake. A little premise is needed so the cake doesn’t devour itself before I have the chance to place the cherry ontop of it and serve it up.
For me the question really isn’t whether or not an atheist is a leftist… it’s only a matter of how far left the atheist is.
Take the series, Redemption for example, any atheist that doesn't get triggered over the idea of a demon in a sci fi book, may enjoy the series even when someone may offer up a prayer. And if you got issues with Saluting our flag when the occasion permits, you are going to have a hell of a lot of issues reading a story where an American Bad ass gets out of prison and goes bare knuckled against cults and monsters flinging magic and slinging bullets. Check it out and see why readers in the military and first responder field are giving five star reviews.