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Devils Dilemma
Olen Baker • Jun 06, 2024

An atheist is only one moral dilemma away from being leftist on any given moral issue. But let me give all atheists their wish in this article for a moment. So everyone, hold onto your britches and anyone with any religious and or political opinion, suspend your disbeliefs.

And before I get to granting wishes, let me place down some premises so I can grant the “Universe and Earth with No God and No Religion” cake. A little premise is needed so the cake doesn’t devour itself before I have the chance to place the cherry ontop of it and serve it up.

For me the question really isn’t whether or not an atheist is a leftist… it’s only a matter of how far left the atheist is. 

Take the series, Redemption for example, any atheist that doesn't get triggered over the idea of a demon in a sci fi book, may enjoy the series even when someone may offer up a prayer. And if you got issues with Saluting our flag when the occasion permits, you are going to have a hell of a lot of issues reading a story where an American Bad ass gets out of prison and goes bare knuckled against cults and monsters flinging magic and slinging bullets. Check it out and see why readers in the military and first responder field are giving five star reviews.  

Honestly my book was intended for wide audience from every viewpoint. However, I am convinced after recent events that leftists are too dishonest and ignorant to read a book with any type of story more complex than green eggs and ham to ban and will try to claim the experience of reading is like a “long lecture.”

For some time now I have been waiting to encounter an honest atheist…to the point I am skeptical such a creature even exists.

My test for finding one is fairly simple. Show me an atheist that acknowledges our Founding Fathers were Christian. That the Declaration of Independence is not only Christian in its basis and appeal but also names the God described and credited in the bible to be the God of Nature and the laws of Nature. And also that Jesus is placed into our Constitution as the witness of the signatures of the Founding Fathers to be named “In the Year of Our Lord.”

So far, atheists I have encountered can’t even admit any part of all of that no matter how high the evidence is stacked against them, and have no part in attempting to attack the basis of where our Rights come from. Better to have permissions granted by whim based on privilege with a paper by a shmuck than God Given Rights?

But how many of those shmucks support the Great Reset?

Now hold that thought for a moment while I get busy with the wish granting since any atheist can prove atheism as long as they are granted at least one miracle first.

For sake of argument, let us suspend all beliefs to enter the world of an atheist. And yes, we have to give some miracles away to have this kind of world. So let's argue we are in an alternate universe with No God and an earth observed present and operating by our current conditions minus any presence of Theism anywhere. Totally and absolutely secular is all anyone knows and nowhere in any time has anyone ever even had the thought of having a Creator. 

Gee… isn't this a grand utopia now where being living in absolute ignorance of a Creator and having no moral Judgement for anything is at work?

Oh wait… hold the phone because now we have a dilemma in human population growth rate. Let me explain that as briefly as possible and leave the “fact checking” to people that want to go through what I did to research everything I am about to say and check my math by.

Hopefully, everyone knows there is a
pretty acceptable formula for calculating the growth of human populations. Now what you may or may not know is in our modern era that around 1802, earth was believed to be populated with about One billion people to grow today to around 8 billion.

Now…. some unGodly mathematicians are having some panic attacks over that for a number of reasons leading to the solution of the Great Reset.

Or do we say the quiet part of “final solution” again… because the math models show that in a relatively short time, we will have a population that has exponentially grown into the trillions if left unchecked.

Which leads to the
Great Filter and our supposed only chance of everyone thriving and surviving is to leave Earth and become space travelers.  And check out the prior article I already wrote on the absurd improbability of ETALIENUFO’s.

Ok… back to reality and back to This Earth where yeah… You got us pesky Christians, among others, all in a circle around you pointing our fingers at you while you try to point fingers back at all of us.

Let me put the cherry ontop of your cake before I hand it to you. 

The mathematical model has to be drastically changed and reduced to limit a population from growing from 2 biologically humans capable of procreation so that after just ten thousand years the number is not astronomically higher than just 2.2 trillion people.

Ok, enjoy your cake before it eats itself and let me show you a little good news.

One of the things that happened to prevent us having multiple times more than 2.2 trillion people is the global flood that reduced the population down to a family to rebound back where we are in present day earth observing marine fossils ontop of mount everest and every culture on earth having a flood narrative in addition to the science from genetics showing humanity experienced a mass extinction event that bottlenecked people down to just a few survivors.

However, now we are facing the prospect of, within a few short thousands of years being so over grossly populated every square inch of the surface area of the planet will have a person standing on it and people stacked on their shoulders.

Now let that settle into the goo between everyone's ears for a second to hand out some miracles to atheists in all this.

That means that for humans to have not experienced all that in the last ten thousand years alone means we have survived no telling how many mass extinction events to limit the size of our natural growth.

Let me put that into some real obvious terms…

Over the last million or so odd years of humans on earth…… the rate of extinction events has necessarily had to be very extremely common. Especially to prevent us from walking on mountains of bones of our ancestors, since without extremely frequent mass extinction events over that period…. The number of humans on earth should have a number valued as a digit expressed to the power of a high enough number we really do not have a word to say the value of how many zeros follow the one.

So… atheists…. You really wanna believe that is all true and feed yourself to the Great Reset in order to experience a Great Filter…..while singsonging against “sky daddy” while you are spaghettified through the black hole of your belief system.

Scuse me while suddenly the actual hard science backing my Christian beliefs does not appear to be as stupid. Especially since the faith in darwinism, is an argument against the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Now, that is all just one of the more recent, to me, reasons I have from evidence why darwinism is an absurdity that can’t even qualify as a theory that it was marketed to sell to suckers that don’t even know what a theory is to begin with. And goes further into why I do put my faith and trust in Jesus just as our Founding Fathers ALL did to call on God in our Declaration of Independence and bring Christ into our Constitution. 

And what is left for the atheist is only so much foot-stamping hysteria to say  “no matter how much evidence you have, you can’t make me believe what I don’t want to believe.” 

But for an atheist that considers themselves a Patriot. Let me suggest, you start trying to ACT honest? Admit what our Founding Fathers believed and what is plainly observed in their words in the two binding contracts expressing their Prayer to God and the answer from God in our Constitution. 

I am not saying “you must believe” or even “you must be christian.” Just be honest about what our Founders believed. 

After that… maybe do a little digging into why it is a good reason to follow their….suggestion that Patriots should become Christian…. Which no one can force anyone to be.

Now, that is all just one of the more recent, to me, reasons I have from evidence why darwinism is an absurdity that can’t even qualify as a theory that it was marketed to sell to suckers that don’t even know what a theory is to begin with. And goes further into why I do put my faith and trust in Jesus just as our Founding Fathers ALL did to call on God in our Declaration of Independence and bring Christ into our Constitution.

And what is left for the atheist is only so much foot-stamping hysteria to say  “no matter how much evidence you have, you can’t make me believe what I don’t want to believe.”

But for an atheist that considers themselves a Patriot. Let me suggest, you start trying to ACT honest? Admit what our Founding Fathers believed and what is plainly observed in their words in the two binding contracts expressing their Prayer to God and the answer from God in our Constitution.

I am not saying “you must believe” or even “you must be christian.” Just be honest about what our Founders believed.

After that… maybe do a little digging into why it is a good reason to follow their….suggestion that Patriots should become Christian…. Which no one can force anyone to be.

And as Americans…. We the People who are all Patriot minded, can say the same. And an argument can be made that maybe that was what the Founding Fathers all talked about when they spoke about us and our values is as slobbering atheists like Richard Dawkins… identify as a “cultural christian” to make being a Christian, superficial in intent. 

But find me a person that is Christian that wants to be a superficial christian… you won't find one who says that. But I admit, you will find too many as Jesus said, who are practicing it to be superficially Christian. 

There are essentially three major religions that claim to worship the God outlined in our Declaration of Independence. Judaism, islam, and Christianity. And yeah there is a tad more than superficial issues separating each from any functional relationship with the other…. 

Because of what is added on to go outside the bible to bring down curses for an honest minded atheist to look at all three and want to rightfully barf when your religion becomes a death cult.

And it's funny how on the issues of God, the bible, and Jesus… there is a two third split on any given issue. 

But it's funny if I do what the jury was ordered to convict President Trump and that is mash the numbers up and ignore a “unanimous agreement” on any one crime and just total the sum to say guilty. 

What I am left according to the Talmud, Quran, and Bible is that God is real, the writings of moses, the prophets, and apostles is the word of God and Jesus is the Savior and King. 


But on any given day I can always find a liar among all of us without even trying. 

Show me an atheist pledging an oath to God on the bible and you showed me a liar from the start even after speaking no other lie with every other word coming after the first claim.

But hey…. I am not going to throw a stone at the atheist that is TRYING to be honest even if that guy is having some serious mental issues with everything they have a belief about. 

See one of the greatest miracles that I am not sure many if any really stand back as amazed as I am, that Jesus performed, was the fact that Jesus spoke no lie. Ever. 

Let that sink in just a minute. It wasn't that Jesus spoke what He believed was true to be credited by Christians for having never sinned. But I know for a fact that He spoke no lie because every word credited to Him in the bible is proven true. 

Which should blow the hell out of the mind of any person that has critical thinking skills trying to be honest and looking for evidence and looking for a miracle especially when the lie is made by atheists, islamists, and judaists against the bible that the bible has been corrupted while propping themselves up with the bible for their personal credit.. 

If the eyewitnesses of Jesus were liars, the words they said Jesus spoke would be lies. 

And let me put a little balm on any feelings I have so far hurt and managed to hang on to see what the point of this article is…

You can look at the absurdity of that world in another universe that is in total ignorance of God and everyone lobotomized against having a belief….and what it boils down to in order to have humanity waiting for the next accident to wipe it off the map.

And this one…. With all the excuses you can grasp straws at to cling to your faith of “nothing for no reason that poofed into everything to spew goo through a zoo into you”

And look at this great struggle of Theism to consent to a discourse and discussion to find what is Reasonable that has evidence and can be obtained through logic by honorable intent. 

And see what cancels out pretty easy to see where you may stand with Jesus and have a reason for hope and prosperity and live out the American Dream. 

But I will suggest this for the atheists who are trying to find a stone to throw at having denominations of thought to have their singular mind…. 

I dare you to give God a Fair Hearing and put the Bible on the Stand and call Jesus to testify….and see how the case is won. There is only one way that doesn't make you against Jesus and the people following Him. 

Because if you ain't a leftist…. Then stop acting like a New York Nazi judge with corrupt juries and absolutely evil persecutor to throw any lie you can imagine to “win” your case with because a higher court is absolutely going to flip the tables. 

Patriots don’t let friends be atheists.As Libertarianism is the party for people who lack morals, atheism is the religion for people who lack rationality.

Funny, I still see rainbows appear after a rain. Therefore I have a reason to believe God’s Word is Truth to be pro Life…

and man’s word….not so much.

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