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Dummy Bob
Olen Baker • Sep 12, 2024

How many reading this remember Bagdhad Bob?

I know, it is 9/11 and most people are asking “Where were you when…” and “Never Forget.”

Speaking of forgetting, if you aren’t following me at
X twitter on Well_Regulated, you may miss out on news about my books and events happening with Cold Dead Hands.

Honestly, I think there is perhaps too much that has fallen into the memory holes we all have. And if you forgot who Baghdad Bob was, or never heard of him, that does prove that point at least. So this may take some doing with more than a few words but I can make some good promises. First, I will try to make this article as informative as I will try to also make it entertaining, if not pleasant. And second, I will save some of the best reading and information for the last. 

Needless to say BB turned out to be such a fantastic liar that a lot of us were scratching our heads wondering what he was trying to accomplish other than attempt to be the greatest fool in the history of fools. 

Isn’t it satisfying though to catch a liar in the act of a lie and watch their narrative come crashing down? Even more so when the narrative is a complex construct, and all it takes is a glancing blow to fall down on the heads of the people trapped in their lies.

Today after catching my breath from the gaslighting and propaganda from the first debate between President Trump and kamal-lie harris… more than a few thoughts are going on in my mind after her claims that “January 6th was the worst day of our history since the civil war.”

And the lies never stopped, which I appreciated despite what response my blood pressure may have been indicating. I really appreciated how they tried to lynch Trump over J6 and claimg Trump was responsible…. While denying any accountability for the rhetoric that resulted in the assassination attempt that through the grace of God for the sake of our country, failed. 

But let’s be honest, if Trump is guilty of “insurrection” over what he said and tweeted...then kamala is guilty of attempted murder…without bringing up the name of Jamal Trulove. Oh is that another name in the memory hole?

Let me bring up something else that happened that maybe you didn’t see or forgot. 7 years ago not only did I call out the Muhammad as a false prophet of islam in front of an audience of more than two million people. I also declared the following year to be a year of Jubilee. 

To me the only important member of the audience that saw me do that was Jesus. He is the reason I was no longer suffering from the effects of PTSD after more than 15 years of service in the emergency field, and from history that predated in stacking trauma’s that I was either ignoring or neglecting or lying to myself about suffering. 

And from encountering Him, I went on to continue working and advancing through the emergency responder field at all corners of it while writing books and getting published and juggling side businesses and in general being an American Badass Army of One for many after being squirted out of the navy and shipwrecking my life more times than I care to count trying to please everyone but God until He slapped me straight, to see everything that is silly.

I know…. I may be making light of evil in this world. But I am convinced that evil at it's most pure form is just stupid. But it can damn sure break your heart over issues like babies being murdered in the womb, heros going to the tomb, and politicians claiming doom.

I am wondering how a dialogue with an atheist will result when an atheist argues “If God were good, he would stop evil” by me suggesting that if God assassinated everyone on the spot for telling a lie, then would that make God a good God? Because let’s really understand what I mean by lying. I do not mean telling something you think is true. I mean saying something that is a lie, regardless of what you think about it. Of course, there would never be an atheist that had a chance in hell of surviving

I know, I know… an atheist is going to counter with the silly “atheism is default so every human would therefore die” false argument. 

Ok how about a peace treaty then in this war on what is obviously unGodly where just only hypocrites died from self-inflected verbal assault before they can even accuse someone else? Sounds good right since every Christian is stupid and irrational and a hypocrite?

Oh hell, in addition to silencing every atheist still surviving that policy... I just committed genocide against all leftists in the world and the entire Democrat party.

I hope the thought of such a thing, can help you appreciate the gift of this world we are presently experiencing. The good the bad and the ugly of it. Enough to be thankful that this world is governed by an obviously merciful and gracious God who is tolerant to a fault, even to the point of allowing His Only Begotten Son to be sent to war against this world and be captured, tortured, and murdered by people who clearly act like they don’t want Him in their business.

And what if the cost of believing a lie, is what separates you from the sheep to slaughter? How scary is that to be counted as either worthy of being murdered or worthy of being the murderer.

I know, you want to believe George Bush is the mass murderer, after all “He lied and soldiers died” is still the drum beat after 20 years from the baghdad bobs on the left. And maybe you forgot how MSM was giving a daily death toll for every one of our soldiers that died in the line of duty. And that death clock miraculously stopped the minute obamao was in office….to kill more of our military through ROE’s and Benghazi and Extortion 17 events. Was osama really murdered by obamao the way he bragged?

But damned if they would ever tell us the score for how many of the enemy died for their country since we were keeping score against ourselves.

Oh…. wait, that’s right. When we invaded Iraq, we werent really fighting the people of Iraq. Nearly all of them surrendered to us and left the fighting to al qaeda from Afghanistan…that were in Iraq the day of the American coalition invasion.

Hey, bob tell me something, if Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 how come Al qaeda was all over iraq? If Sadamm was also such a good guy that we unjustly deposed… how come all the mass graves of his own people who were executed by WMD’s? Oh hey bob…. No WMD’s? What's that 500 tons of uranium doing in an underground nuke plant violating every treaty signed to nato for no nukes and no chem weapons etc etc…. Just ignore all the dead bodies and torture rooms everywhere.

Hey, remember when the entire left was claiming we were in a quagmire and couldn't win two wars? So we had to make Bush sign omnibudget boondoggle bills in order to keep our military fed and equipped. Don’t ask me what side pelosi, newt, mccain, etc were fighting on to pull those stunts. You talk about treason and insurrection at me though when I remember that BS. “Your President is letting your military starve to death and run out of ammunition because he won’t sign our bills!”

Of course, thank God we had Jesse Ventura reminding us that our SEALs and military deserved to be killed for this “illegal war.” Thank you for saving us Jesse by endorsing kamala.
It sure is a good thing you reclaimed your honor from the ass beating Chris Kyle gave you over speaking the “truth.”

I know, you may have believed the wars were illegal because of Jesse and were convinced by his brave and heroic act of…suing the widow of a SEAL member right? Oh…. was it because Ron Paul claimed they were illegal? Funny since Paul cast votes on both wars to make them both as legal as they get per our Constitution. So…. there goes that stack of whoppers down to the ground.

“Bush is still a traitor for the Patriot Act!” Ok bob, calm down and hold your horses. Because I get it… all war is bad Right, no bigger sin than defending yourself against hostility. After all Jesus didn’t defend Himself right? He would let everyone murder Him again and murder everyone else with Him so ha…

Keep laughing bob.

But you got me curious here… and I recognize I may be speaking to Libertarians about the “all wars are bad” policy here. So if I can get you to climb down to this earth, rather than the flat earth you are playing on to claim the lunar landing was a hoax. I know I know…. But come down buddy, stop playing with the
Retroreflectors that our astronauts left behind while they were there.

But seriously, is it ever ok to retaliate against someone who has declared war on your country or can you find any excuse to surrender to the enemy and fight against us?

I really like the one about FDR letting Pearl Harbor be attacked so we could be dragged into that war btw. No of course the government would never handle communication ineptly under a democrat leader. What are you suggesting? Of course any radio report of a fleet of enemy moving against us for battle will always instantly be responded with force and never be chalked off as “someone crying wolf” on the radio, or “saber rattling” to posture for diplomacy. So of course, FDR absolutely ordered our military to stand down and be sitting ducks. 

Let me sell you that ocean front property in Arizona that George Straight had amazing gifts of prophesy to know was going to be worth fortunes. 

But you know, call me crazy or deluded or whatever…. But I think the enemy bragging “Look what I did to you” is responsible for 9/11? Not to say I don’t have some questions about it all, but I really don’t. No one has made any argument yet I can take seriously to have any questions or have doubts what we all saw.

I do not see any reason why a 747, that weighs over 500 tons and is flying over 500 miles an hour can’t compromise a support beam or two. But you really think “controlled demolitions” happened at exactly the same time, huh bob? Exactly….why? 

Oh you know the first time Al Qaeda tried controlled demos in 93, it didn’t bring down the building so of course it had to be both a controlled munitions attack by al qaeda while they threw planes at us loaded with American hostages. What Bob? Oh it wasn’t al qaeda that did the controlled demos at the same time as al qaeda flew planes into the towers? Oh it was CIA and Bush that were helping Al Qaeda……… because the warmonger needed an excuse for war. But I thought he was a war monger for needing no excuse for war? Which is it bob?

Because hijacking and murdering 4 plane loads of Americans by al qaeda that we “let” take over after being trained in al qaeda training camps in Iraq… would not have been enough to go to war over right? And of course, there was no plane that hit the Pentagon, that was ETALIENUFO’s. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

4 planes, 284 people. Hey… why didn’t one of those planes hit the capital if it was all an inside job like you said bob?

And that day was hardly the first time Al qaeda had attacked our country. They started attacking us when Clinton got into office and made it a hobby they never paid for under the two terms of bombing our buildings, taking hostages, and killing our service members such as happened on the USS Cole.

Gee, imagine if clinton had been impeached over being a coward to the enemy instead of being impeached for being a coward to have sex with his own wife. I get it, he should have had purple hearts for crawling in bed with her… but that was the bed he made for himself.

You are going to excuse me for being on the side of wanting to see Al Qaeda getting it's ass handed to them as they had been begging, even before they were assanating their own people such as to not mind the Patriot act getting signed at the time.

The only people saying nah were the “never war”iors or outright collaborators with the enemy. Congress and senate passed the bill to the desk of Bush with something like 90% support. There was only one single senator that voted against it.

And if you are Bush…. You are going to be the guy that vetos that bill to be called a dictator and war monger in addition to everything else they routinely called the man? Bob…….. I can’t take you seriously anymore dude. You are hysterical.

I get it, Bush is the bad guy, you heard that from bob and pelosi and the media every day for the last 24 years to the point you wish Al Gore didn’t get cheated out of winning the election and won his insurrection attempts to be president during 911 to save us all. And you REALLY wish John Kerry had won to save us from being losers and suckers in the War on Terror before obamao was elected to really save the world and earn his Nobel prize and taekwondo black belt.

But honestly, Bob… I am sick of the lies. But maybe it isn’t all the fault of Bob. The last 7 years I have been lied to and accused nearly non stop by nearly everything in this world. To the point where Atheists are like Bob the dummy for me to be amused at. The exercise for me is prevention against being black pilled. Let me explain that.

One of the reasons why I find it odd that an atheist will plea “spiderman comic” at me to be saved from acknowledging the simple fact that God obviously exists…because an atheist is forced to believe every lie about God no matter how absurdly fictionaly it is. That is why the atheist is waiving their comic argument at me right?

Oh…. it is because the Bible is supposed to be fictional. Riiiiiiiight bob. Because…. There is nothing in the bible that is true and there is no evidence that supports the bible. You know…. That is a mighty tall tower you got going for yourself. So let me see how well it stands when I test your pillars there.

If there is……..No truth. Then one thing that is true, defeats your pillar.
If there is……..No evidence. Then one piece of evidence again destroys the whole claim.

Now… hold still bob, don’t try running off to move your goal posts. You already set the rule of engagement here and I know anyone still reading this is tired and believes I am rambling.

The truth is I have been taking some lessons from President Trump in dealing with my imposter syndrome. And a lot of things have honestly perturbed me. I disliked how the “No WMD’s” lies have been nonstop. I dislike how Bush was the villain, not sadaam…again non stop. And recently news and social media had been spreading that Bush was going to endorse kamala. And people called me crazy for saying…. Yeah show me the property with the ocean view because I am not buying..

But I get it… Bush is not even bothering to defend himself. And we live in a country where the rule of law is “guilty until proven innocent” for Trump to be the felon and rapist and everything accused of him.

Oh…. wait you mean the law reads Innocent until PROVEN guilty? 

Well tsk tsk, where is the evidence bob? 

Can any atheists show me the evidence for Trump’s Guilty? For Bush’s Guilt? 

Can you show me any evidence that God does not exist?

Oh I forgot Bob, the rule is in this ring, the burden is all on me. An atheist damn sure can’t handle the burden of their own beliefs to defend it. 

Only attack others. And this is where this article is about to get entertaining… I hope.

So no truth, no evidence. 

And this can be a one punch knockout right? I mean that is the set up here? Hey, I bet I can do it with just three words. I mean I already defeated the lunar landing hoax….hoax with just one word “Retroreflectors.” And yeah… i can do the same for the bible with one Name. But instead let me use just three words to defeat the challengers. 

Shroud of Turin. 

Shows over and lights out.. 

I know… my straight Right Cross was more of a Holy Ghost Punch and dishonest and stupid people are lining up with accusations. But let's remember the rule, you die if you lie and see what I am really guilty of. 


You know the problem with gun control is if you manage to take a gun away from someone that will murder you. They will go and find another. 

If you smash someone’s idol, they will go and make another. Take a lie away from a liar… you get the idea? Fun fact, the best source of history of events in the ancient world is the bible. There is no source that even comes close. News flash, I am not called to defeat every lie ever made. I am not even called to defend against every “exhistential threat to our Democracy.” 

All I have to do is defend what is True and defend the Constitution to proclaim God Given Liberty Liberty from.

And the Shroud is the best evidence for what Jesus looked like and the torture He experienced before His resurrection. We still do not have the technology to reproduce the 3d image of it. But you wannabe the bob that believes a nameless schmuck in 1300’s painted the image using material and matter from the first century. Such a forgery is not capable of being rendered into 3d creations. The end.

When it comes to the Baghdad bobs and lies they sell in this world about any and everything… sometimes just one thing that is true, is more than sufficient to defeat the armies of lies coming. As long as you know where to stand when you use Truth to defeat the lie.

When it comes to the Baghdad bobs and lies they sell in this world about any and everything… sometimes just one thing that is true, is more than sufficient to defeat the armies of lies coming. As long as you know where to stand when you use Truth to defeat the lie.

But for some people talking about the Shroud, or the Bible, is no different than being stuck with someone claiming the earth is flat, and telling you how it is impossible for a 500 ton missile flying at 500 miles an hour to damage a pillar to bring the WTC towers down.

“But they wouldn't fall straight down!” I forget that archetects and engineers construct sky scrapers to topple over the city if something happens to make them fall.

Because the lie that bob defends is “That which exists, deserves to be destroyed.”

How much karl marx deserves the credit of that quote, when he merely adopted that for his satanic philosophy, to now be carried by kamala is up for debate. What is not so much up for debate is the result of how easy someone is to control when you take their history from them. Which is now amusing that kamala is black and raised middle class. But cultural and class appropriation is only acceptable when the left do what they accuse the Right there of.

Fun fact, up until 1800 the country of India was called Hindustan. Tell me again bob, why you believe Native American Indians are called Indians to begin with?
I’ll let George Carlin explain that one.

Oh I am not supposed to defend the heritage of Indians because I am white… to point out Kamala is a hindustani white person?

Actually my great grandfather was born on the Fort Sill Indian reservation. And i have little doubt Geronimo, who died there a few years later, would be going on a war path against anyone trying to claim ancestry of being an Indian…. And acting like a marxist darwinist. Especially a squaw from berkeley with parents that weren’t even citizens. But who cares about the Constitutional requirement for being president, Right? 

Don’t ask me how many members of the tribes are democrats. I don’t want to know. But the same can also be said of how many Americans are not acting like Well Regulated members of the Militia. 

I get it, the only words you need to hear is “They dont want you to know” before you swallow any lie after to believe your flat earth no God rich is evil and white racist and start telling me how Hitler was right about the jews and Winston Churchill was the real badguy of WWII

Believe me after hearing from public schooling to now the indoctrinated mantra of “but the crusades!” after finding out the true history on that… have left me with no more apologies to give for being Christian and I am run out of victim cards to hand out to everyone with hurt feelings.

Come see me after this election to see if I have any left for your reparations. Or just go book your trip to Liberia where our country bought a nation in Africa for freed slaves to go home to. 

My debt has been paid by my Master in full. Go see the Constitution for the prohibition against bills of attainder and ex post facto laws that the bobs of the world want violated to fund their war against anything bearing the Image of God from the womb to the tomb.

You know the first thing George W Bush did to show his priorities as my Commander and Chief when elected was give me a pay raise? He also made sure we were equipped and not restrained by suicidal ROE’s. 

And for kamala to claim Trump would surrender to the first tyrant, was real ironic over the Afghanistan retreat where 13 soldiers were murdered with not a rats ass given by kamala and biden. And just like on 911 where we saw people falling from the towers to escape the flames, we watched people falling from airplanes trying to escape the taliban. 

I got a little prediction for the next round that is going to happen in the next two months… don’t be surprised if Trump is playing Rope a Dope as much as he can with this dumb beast and plans to give everyone a show. 

I know God is real. That means there is always a chance this next seven years won’t be spent in Liberty to the sword as the last seven have been. But that is going to depend more on how we perform, than just one man we may be smart and honest enough about choosing to represent us to God for our plea to mercy to be granted. 

Hey Kamala, if babies aren’t being aborted at full term, as we all know they are… How come you and Tim and Obamao are three tyrants that opposed “Born Alive Protection” bills for babies that survived being aborted?

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