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Olen Baker • Sep 05, 2024

Thank God I am not stupid enough to be an atheist. 

Here is a fun fact. On May 24th of 2022 shortly after the Uvalde Shooting started and while it was ongoing:

Aid from the next county was being involuntarily withheld because illegals had flipped a truck and there were over a dozen injured that required multi-agency responses from nearby counties. 

And anyone saying “I would have left them and run to help Uvalde” I am glad you are not in the field. Stay at home we don’t need you at any emergency scene trying to “help” by making things worse.

Don’t ask me where you can verify that event happening in the news. Most of the locals don’t even know that happened. You can ask me how I know about it over drinks around a fire sometime and I may tell stories from my experience from over two decades in the field after coming out of the Navy before 9/11 and going into the First Responder Field and working from Texas to Virginia and back to the land of Fajitas and rodeos during that time.

What I am a little comfortable disclosing is the only reason I was not on the job as staff at Uvalde Memorial ER when that shooting happened is due to covid mandates and the hospital policy that ignored my religious exemption resulted in my “release” from working there at that time.

Someone out there may be saying “you should have compromised your morals and gotten the shot to keep your job!” Actually, my standard of care and work ethic ensured I was going to a better job. Needless to say, compromising your morals will directly compromise your logic. Your brain and your spirit are two tools that are essential for operating in an emergency situation.

I’d appreciate a little feedback on the issue of Mass Murder events…what you believe matters more on the issues involving the Motive, the Means, and the Opportunity for such a thing to happen.

You can catch me running and gunning on
X twitter under the account for Well_Regulated 

I can’t say how far back I have been intending to write a general PSA article on the issue of Mass Shooting events. There has been a lot. And I have avoided doing so because of timing more than anything. Needless to say there is a lot on my mind on the subject, just to give some peace about. Pun intended.

Every school shooting, or mall shooting, or movie theater or entertainment venue that stages the scene for these murderers involves certain aspects that are very formulated in the reactions given.

So much so they really play into the mindless “conspiracy theory” arguments of being orchestrated.

Did you know less than a year after the Virginia Tech shooting on the same campus there was a female student who was decapitated at the coffee shop on campus? Again, not even most locals know about that, but you can find it in old news articles that were buried. You may even learn the murderer came from the same area of china as the Virginia Tech shooter.

But what was really wild was that campus police were on scene within just a few minutes. That is an extremely fast response time. However, the eyewitnesses on scene did not do anything to stop the murderer who had a machete from decapitating the girl he had been stalking other than reach for their phones and call 911.

Not that being armed was allowed on campus. Or that anyone had training to pick up a chair and bash over the head of a guy with a knife trying to murder someone.

We see a shooting, news media comes in trying to get the scoop. Does anyone want to bet money on our “fair and honest” news media not already having generic responses pre-written to begin with for the next time such an event happens with just a few blanks that need to be filled out for the specific occasion?

Then comes the eyewitnesses…and their reports. Which are never reliable. But I have a news flash on that part.

It doesn't take a conspiracy for false information to be heard. Or for an eyewitness to be reliable.

It does take a miracle though for the information to be accurate and the eyewitness reliable. That is why it takes more than just one eyewitness account for any given thing being witnessed to sort through the lies and find the truth.

You won’t find a first responder out there who has been on the job who trusts dispatch. We get that knocked out of our heads very quick. And the longer we stay in the field we get into a “plan for the worst hope for the best” mindset for people who try to fight and cling to hope or let it turn into “I'm just here for the pay check” mentality that has no business in the field.

And I have put in more hours than I wanted on that side of the desk taking calls from people in an emergency crisis, being hysterical. Struggling to tell me what I needed to know in order to send an appropriate response.

One time I received a call where the caller said slowly and somewhat drunkenly… “NOW” and that was all. They got a visit from your neighborhood LEO doing a welfare check while EMS was on standby just in case… and sure enough, the elderly person needed rapid transport to the ER for possible stroke.

Fun fact, I was offered a job at DC Metro EMS, post katrina for easily five times what I was making elsewhere at the time. While I was considering it, they even added the perk of giving me my own bullet proof vest. Which made my wheels turn a little and ask the question. “Do I need one?” to be informed that gangs in Washington DC enjoyed calling 911 for an EMs or fireman to come over and get murdered as a gang initiation.

I was unaware of DC gun laws at that time and asked if I would also be allowed to carry a side arm. “Nope that would be illegal.”
Nope you can keep your money and enjoy bringing out the dead.

But enough anecdotal stories to prove I know at least a little about what I am going to be discussing in all of this.

Let me offer the suggestion that the means or method is irrelevant at any mass casualty incident.

What matters the most is always the Response. 

After that, we can worry over the motive and what caused the incident. 

Was it an accident? And of course every mass shooting and mass murder event is no accident. 

However the same training and preparedness for dealing with any natural or “man made” disaster is going to be applied for a mass murder scene. Whether it is a hurricane with looters, or a derailed chem train or a human trafficker hauling 20 illegals stuffed into a subaru that flips over. 

We are talking about training and response that saved our country during the Revolution by the Minute Men militia. Which is a term I wonder if people really know anything about these days due to a lack of actual history being taught in place of gender theory under darwin for marxist agendas by democrat voters. 

And what it actually means to be Well Regulated. 

Because if you believe “Well Regulated” can’t be achieved unless you are part of the military. Look at Tampon Tim Walz and try that one again? Guess why I am not at all surprised at how bad the Uvalde Shooting response was when I found out a democrat with a badge was in charge of the multi-agency response?

And the off duty border patrol agent that used a borrowed shotgun to stop the incident is likely one of many I have personally met and worked with on the front lines that is Well Regulated voting for President Trump.

The meaning of Militia is simply citizens themselves.
And Well Regulated, is to be a highly functioning citizen.

In the last few years, and just barely before covid, I had been watching a lot of idiocy from the mindless over the belief a person can be malignant-minded, yet high functioning. Case in point, the Sherlock Holmes series with Benedict Cumberbatch where the show used the phrase describing Sherlock as a “high functioning sociopath” over and over and over… probably at least once in every episode, if not at least once every thirty minutes of every episode.

I think if any good came from what covid did to the world and our country, it has ripped the bandaid off for everyone with eyes to see and expose the festering puss oozing from what medical “science” has done to healthcare. You can thank the usual culprits for what happened. Cultists that have faith in darwinism and marxism to practice it on others before themselves.

And when we have a mass murder event such as this… the solutions run the gambit between calls for disarming everyone so we can have more easier victims, or better mental health care….

Let me say, both are wrong. And if “red flag laws” don’t scare you, then you are the one that should be disarmed to begin with.

And yes, I do support common sense gun control.
Let all leftists be banned from owning any weapon.

But hey, if we are going to pass gun control laws, we can start with that one and see what that does to crime in our country.

And spare me the statistics that use incidents where a rape victim shot their rapist as “proof of gun crime” while someone being murdered with knives, fists, and bricks doesn’t move the needle in your “ban guns” argument.

Needless to say I support death penalty for rapists, not so much for a baby no matter how much it may make you happy to murder a baby and no matter what your reason is to discriminate against the baby.

I also won’t do much to stop someone from sterilizing themselves if they support abortion. Which i kinda view the left as self solving their problems right now by castrating and lobotomizing themselves from being active and high functioning members of our country.

That is kinda my white pill that I am hesitant on mentioning in public. The fact that the obvious dregz are gravitating to the left and doing that to themselves. Everyone voting for Kamala has all that in common to be chanting “open the borders, ban the guns, and murder the babies.” 

This country is going to look a lot different 50 years from now when these people have deleted or Darwinized themselves out of the gene pool. 

“What's this got to do with the most recent mass shooting though!”

Everything that honestly matters to you is what. 

Because unless you are at ground zero… you are stuck in the bleachers looking for entertainment or information that is useful. I am giving you a little of one, and about to info dump the other on you like a ton of bricks. So hold onto your britches. 

All of these maladjusted people have a number of things in common that contribute to behaving the way a leftist behaves at people when a leftist has a gun. 

And what a leftist is calling an Assault Weapon to ban, is anything you can use to stop a leftist being a leftist with a gun at you. 

Including your brain and your words.

But these people at ground zero… or Patient Zero who do these things. 

Whether we are talking about Virginia Tech, Sutherland Springs Church, Uvalde….Winder Georgia where at the time of my writing we know the shooter was taken into custody alive and is a 14 year old boy that had a gun. That boy is now going to be standing trial as an adult, according to the media. 

That is an unkind environment to learn about God and what you should do with the rest of your life from. And georgia is a death penalty state, although I highly doubt this child will get the death penalty. Considering what I know about the Corrections system, and how he is going to be treated in prison…I am not sure which route would be a kindness.

You may not have heard that the first victim of the uvalde school shooting was the shooter’s grandmother that he (he also had gender issues) shot in the face. The grandmother lived. 

I have seen way more than my share of Behavioral Emergencies to know how this spirals on a person. Where the same thoughts get trapped in the mind. Thoughts of hopelessness, thoughts of pain and suffering and despair. 

And what happens when you have no fear of the Lord Your God, and no respect for the God Given Rights of others. At that point, your cruelty is just an exercise of being introverted to self harm, or extroverted to harm others.

Let me posit my working theory, which I am pretty certain has not only passed beyond hypothesis, but into Law. That evil at it's most pure form is just stupid.

The “manifesto” of the Covenant school shooter is now out there for grabs and proves my point, without going back to Columbine.

“Everything hurts. Why does my brain not work right, because I was born wrong. Nothing on earth can save me. Never-ending pain. Religion won't save.“ ~ Audry Elizebeth Hale

She (Audrey is a victim of the transgender and marxist movements and didn’t even understand her own gender) reminds me of a fictional character in my book, Redemption who became a prison boss by what both said. You will pardon me to share that part of the book here:

“I would see therapists who told me that being gay is natural and not to feel guilty for genetics. My psychiatrist told me being psychotic was probably passed down to me from my father and there was nothing to make me better except taking pills the rest of my life to be normal. God put me here damned and made me the way I am. Why do I have to suffer and be damned? Why did I have to be born damned?” By the end, he sounded little more than a wounded animal ~ Redemption: Governed by Independence

And if you read the book, you know how the story plays out for that guy, not that differently.

One of the fundamental beliefs Marx had was “everything that exists, deserves to be destroyed.” That my friends, is about as evil as it gets. That is someone living for the purpose of serving satan and not just being an atheistic useful idiot.

You see these mass killers… whether we are talking about Tim Mcvey when he blew up the OKC fed building (and I still have some questions about that event), Osama bin Leden sending lackeys to fly 500 tons of metal and people into our buildings and kill thousands (who I have less about), Saddam hussien who mass murdered his own people with WMD’s, Hitler, Stalin or any of these shooters or assassins like Lee Harvey Oswald and attempted assassins like Thomas Matthew Crooks…. And all these school church and mall and dance club shooters all shared the common view with each other.

No fear of God and no respect for God Given Rights. ALL of them were Leftists, despite the political dysphoria from leftists trying to scapegoat hitler as “right wing” and same with mcvey. 

When you have more in common with Hitler, who was a marxist and a socialist…. And had no fear of God whatsoever and no respect for the God Given Rights…to then assault what was defended by our Founding Fathers. There ain't no right in you little guy.

Just like every leftist voting for kamala harris. 

Oooo scuse me for slam dunking on the politics over the dead here. 

But I am more than sick of not allowing School teachers to teach about the Liberty Bell and the history behind Leviticus 25:10 and the Founding Fathers our history and what 25:10 from Leviticus has to do with Matthew 10:25 to come out at James with 1:25 in the bible as intended by the Founding Fathers for our kids to be raised.

Not only can we not have Well Regulated Teachers capable of doing that, but we are not allowed to so equip our Militia per Article 1 section 8 clause 16 of our US Constitution to have armed teachers in every class room. Where our Medics are also armed with firemen for support for our LEO’s. 

The sad news I have that is nearly a black pill to take folks is this. There will absolutely be another mass casualty event. And I have no doubt there will even be another mass shooting. 

The solution to stop it isn’t going to come from drug dealers anymore than it is going to come from gun banners. 

If you call yourself a good guy with a gun… show me where your bible is at? Otherwise, you just aren't ready for passing inspection are you.

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Mass Casualty Incident
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