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Black Coffee Statistics
Patrick James • November 11, 2023

The black coffee  is flowing hot and strong today, as I continue to read through comments on social media and listen to the mainstream media personalities as they “inform and educate” us about “all” the mass shootings… Yes, my perspective today revolves around the right answers for the gun-related issues we are seeing in our country of late. So let’s get after it, just remember this little quote from a lesser-known President as you read;

“This is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people no longer. It is a government by the corporations, of the corporations, and for the corporations.” ~ from the Diary of Rutherford B. Hayes in 1886.

It seems the statistical gathering criteria for “mass shootings” has been changed to reflect shootings that were once not considered mass in the recent past. It makes me wonder why these elements have been changed. Who authorized these changes? What can be gained by changing them? Why are they gathering statistics that don’t reflect the true criteria of what constitutes a mass shooting?

Once upon a time, a shooting was considered a mass shooting, when a random person(s) or a person(s) with a grudge against an institution walked into a crowded building or area and started randomly shooting people they may know as well as others they don’t know.

They also needed to kill at least four people and wound many others for it to be considered “mass.” 

Typically, these types of shooters were found to be victims of bullying and were taking revenge upon the bullies. Or they had some sort of political agenda, a crime of passion, or gang-related retaliation, involving a firearm with 3 or more intended and unintended victims.

When was the criterion changed? This year. What does that do to the statistics for this year versus past years?  It changes everything, but most importantly it makes the total number of mass shootings rise dramatically from years past. Which makes it look like the violence is escalating in a pandemic proportions. 

Let’s look at some statistics for a moment. The FBI compiles most of these stats, and it is stated in an article by “The Hill” that in 2021 there were 61 mass shootings, compared to the 50 mass shootings in 2022. This was a net decrease of 11 mass shootings, which would seem to reflect positively on efforts to reduce them. These statistics were gathered using this criterion; “one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area” and the act must seem random at the time. This is an ambiguous enough criterion as it is and yet they decided to make it even more inclusive and ambiguous in 2023. 

They claim we have had 560 mass shootings this year, compared to 61 the year before. It doesn’t take a “rocket doctor” to realize these statistics have been skewed to reflect what must only be a politically motivated agenda.

An agenda that includes fear tactics to sway certain demographics of the population into believing the malevolence and malfeasance going on in our country is of epidemic proportions. They’re also blaming it all on the guns.

Every bit of blame falls upon the right to keep and bear arms and which type of arms that protected right covers. 

This is certainly political maneuvering at its finest and it comes directly from the party in charge at the moment. It is blatantly obvious that the author of the crime bill in 1995 is anxious to pass another one in 2023 and it will require a percentage of the population to agree that something being done is better than nothing being done.

Out of fear and ignorance, many will agree with the need to further restrict what firearms We the People are entitled to own, and unfortunately, their fear has made them myopic or mentally stunted as to what ramifications this way of thinking will bring down upon the citizens of this country. 

In examining the crime bill passed in 1995 by then-Senator Joe Biden, we can see that it did very little to limit what firearms a person could own, but it changed the criteria of a criminal. It effectively created a huge incarceration rate of a certain demographic of people, by simply changing possession laws. Entire families became fatherless overnight while making the prison system extremely wealthy. 

All of this can be credited to the efforts of an overenthusiastic Senator vying for a chance to become a President who cares about the people. It is an office and title he has never and will never be qualified to hold and emotions he has likely never felt.  

But, let’s get back to the statistics one more time, just so we can get a real feel for what the truth is behind the violence in our Nation. What is never revealed in the compiled violence statistics is the overall population growth. 

For instance, what is the population difference over the last 20 years? Well, that would be easy to find, right? It should always be included in the statistical information to give more understanding, context, and contrast to why violence increases naturally and organically. Oh, and there’s little we can do about that by the way.  

So for instance, the population of the United States in 2000 (a mere 23 years ago) was 282.26 million. Our population as of 2022 is 333.29 million. That is a growth of 51,130,000 people in the last 22 years. Wouldn’t it stand to reason that with immigration (legally and illegally) growing that rapidly as well as fatherless children growing of age without direct male supervision, that violence would increase? 

It is irrelevant to the number of past, current, or future gun control measures implemented in these areas because more people in densely populated areas will create more violence. It is just a fact of life. 

Now, many will scream that, the birth rate will account for a lot of that, but that is far from the truth. In fact; the birth rate in the United States has fallen 2 whole percentage points from 2000 - 2023 and would only account for about 4 or 5 percent of the overall population growth anyway. 

So immigration is the major contributing factor to our growth rate. Immigration from mostly what is considered 3rd world countries where their political system was unstable and broken. What are the contributing factors to their broken governing structures? Criminal enterprise and our government’s involvement and intervention in “helping” them to fix theirs.

So if we have an influx of 51,129,717.84 immigrants into our country from countries where they have lived in fear of violence and retaliation from criminals who run their countries. We’ve now hit upon some of the contributing factors and to me, they’re completely understandable. Yet, I believe the number of immigrants arriving in the last 20 years is likely much higher and I also understand why they’ve come in droves. 

Who would want to live in a country where you are worried every day about the safety of your children? 

The answer is simple; nobody. So why wouldn’t you try to immigrate to a significantly safer country? Why wouldn’t you do it legally, illegally, or by any means necessary? You would and you know it. Stop blaming them for doing it and help find a solution to making them tax-paying citizens sooner rather than later. Most of them just want to belong and support our country, but many people are making them the enemy while most of them are not. They just have very little choice. Live in violence and filth or immigrate to somewhere else that seems much more perfect than theirs. 

*The caveat to this is that illegal immigration is not the answer, nor do I condone it. I just understand why it is happening at such an alarming rate and you should too.   

Unfortunately, when the sheep move to the next pasture (not making them seem like cowards here) the wolves are naturally going to follow. Wolves need prey. If the prey moves on to another area, the wolves must move to that area. If not, they will starve. How many wolves moved into our country? 

That number isn’t known because they come across in sheep’s clothing and it isn’t being compiled. Although we do know that our prison systems are more overburdened and overwhelmed by the incarcerated population it now houses. 

Now we have true criminals with evil intent, housed with manmade criminals trying to feed their families by slinging minor drugs like marijuana. What do we think will happen to the young fathers who were forced to live among true criminals who’ve committed unthinkable and seriously demented acts of violence? They are forced to survive in a foreign environment as best as they can. “AS BEST” as they can, includes joining known gangs for protection while incarcerated, which means signing up for whatever criminal enterprise that membership entails after they’re released as well. 

Criminal enterprises have also immigrated onto our soil and it is hard to tell the difference between them and those who want to be law-abiding citizens. These new immigrants do not want to inform law enforcement about the wolves that live in their neighborhoods for fear of the repercussions they’ve experienced in the past when trying to clean up their own countries. Another very understandable and tangible reason for staying quiet and minding their own business and many of us understand and would likely do the same thing. 

These animals are living amongst us, committing every form of crime from theft, to elicit drug sales and human trafficking, to killing innocent citizens over gang-related disputes. Criminal enterprises that ran their governments into the ground are now infiltrating our political system and destroying it. This doesn’t even include the known terrorist groups that get thrown into the mix among them. 

The problem is; who comes to bail us out? Who comes to our rescue? Who helps us fix our broken and corrupt political system? They’ve come here for help (the majority) and to escape the evil that made their own country intolerable. Now it’s proliferating here because politicians want to fight over the real reasons. They want to play the political blame game while tucking a few ill-gotten dollars away for a rainy day because “everyone else is anyway.” 

Scam the citizens hoping they never wise up seems to be the game they’re playing while in positions of power, both locally and federally. I could go on and on about the “who” here in Texas alone, but I will not do so in this article.  

We all know our country is by far much better than the corrupt system many immigrants have been fleeing… although that’s likely only for now and can be noted by the number of immigrants who are arriving by any means necessary and staying by those same means. They are flocking to a country whose violence statistics are better than their own, and yet someone is trying to tell us that we are the ones that have a huge epidemic. An epidemic that needs to be addressed while their statistical data collection criterion is ambiguous and disingenuous and used to solely overinflate the numbers. 

We must ask ourselves; Why would these people leave one bad area for another? They wouldn’t. I mean, come on… this country is far better off than the majority of the others, and yet our politicians are still sowing seeds of fear by using true propaganda techniques to boot.  

We the armed People have seen far too many ineffective gun control laws in the last 90 years that have proven to be restrictive only to the law-abiding citizens. We can see they don’t affect the criminals, right? Surely any rational person can deduce that criminals are running around with firearms that have been restricted for the law-abiding citizen, right? For example; full auto and short-barreled firearms. These are firearms that the average citizen cannot just go out and purchase. Sure, you can get a full-auto or short-barreled firearm if they were registered and manufactured before 1986, have a perfectly clean legal background, can afford one, and pay the federal government for the right to own it. 

Criminals on the other hand do not ask permission to own and use one. The cost of an illegal full-auto firearm made after 1986 on the black market is a couple of hundred dollars from a black market criminal salesman or they’re supplied by their criminal enterprise employers. 

They can always get them the old-fashioned way, by stealing them from armories, law enforcement, or private citizens. They do all of this while hardworking citizens are paying 5 digits for one as well as the Feds extortion rate for the privilege while criminals are just taking their privilege and laughing at the rest of us. 

Zero gun control laws of the past have been effective in restricting criminals from owning and using those restricted firearms. ZERO! 

And yet here we are looking at a man who championed one almost 30 years ago, talking about the effectiveness of his bill and how they need to try it again. 

They’re setting all of us up for it by propagandizing false statistics while using fear, hysteria, and hype to ensure their success. 

They’re preying off the feelings of real people who’ve lost loved ones to firearms-related violence for a political agenda intended to restrict more Constitutionally protected rights of law-abiding citizens. 

Do you know that real leaders do not use fear tactics to corral or sway the votes of their constituents? Real leaders, lead with the type of confidence that spills over to the people around them. Real leaders do not suggest infringing upon the protected rights of the law-abiding. They find ways to restrict criminals from harming innocent citizens without infringements upon We the People. 

Any citizen who would accept government infringement for promises of security and safety from common criminals doesn’t deserve that safety, because they should be willing to provide that type of security for themselves. 

Our government is supposed to ensure safety and security from terrorism both domestically and abroad, not from the local thugs who are slinging drugs and plugging rivals. The problem with all the promises of safety and security our federal government makes? They can be simply summed up with their failures in the past; ineffective gun control policies and a day of terror on our soil that will be remembered forever.  

If We the People do not wake up and start understanding the role of a private citizen in the scheme of our governing structure, we are destined to repeat the cycle of political and government abuse we have been subjected to through unconstitutional laws and statutes. It doesn’t matter how you feel about it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a true believer in the founders' ideas or believe the Constitution is a living document that can be changed by whim or fancy. 

They will continue coming for more and more protected rights as the environment around us continues to devolve into 3rd world conditions. They will do it until they can gain control of the situation through more and more invasive restrictions upon the law-abiding citizens. 

It will happen if we continue to allow them to stir fear and corruption into our political arena. It will happen if we allow inept and most likely corrupt politicians to be elected into positions of control. It will happen if we continue to believe in and follow the propaganda that is coming out of the mouths of well-recognized mainstream media personalities. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy that we’ll watch come to fruition if we don’t wake the f$#k up and smell the black coffee that’s been brewing and is starting to burn. 

They inevitably need to disarm the majority of the populace, which just happens to be the middle-class citizen, so they can pass more laws that will cover up their greed and corruption. They’re selling it all with promises of safety and security while entertaining the ideas of a small fraction of the population. Ideas like “defunding the police” are tolerated and even promoted by many politicians while they continue promising a safer environment. 

They cannot fulfill a promise to provide a safer local environment unless they increase and employ the number of federal employees it would take to provide that type of policing role in our local municipalities in the future. 

Ask yourself and answer truthfully. Do we want a federal police force? Is that what it will take to keep us safe and secure? Will giving up the inalienable right to keep and bear arms make us safer? 

No, we do not want a standing army policing our communities. No, we do not want and should not be forced to give up federally protected rights that provide for our safety, simply because they are failing to keep criminals from committing crimes. 

If we allow these things to happen, all we become are compliant, scared victims just like the citizens who immigrated here from countries that have been broken by terrorism, criminal enterprises, and corrupt politics. 

Where will we immigrate to when that happens? Whose country will we flood to in the future when our government becomes overbearing, restrictive, and corrupt?

It’s time to wake up and realize that if we allow this type of abhorrent behavior and propaganda to continue to flourish in the main river of communications in our country, we’re all going to be a bunch of fish swimming upstream to our eventual demise, like spawning salmon. We’ll be skittish little creatures that scurry away from the big, bad wolf instead of fearless, self-reliant, and responsible warriors this country was built upon. Gone will be the days of liberty and freedom for all as they usher in a new progressive deal that liberates them from their malfeasance while enslaving us in our ignorance.            

If you’ve read this far, you can tell that my black coffee is hot and strong today… as are my perspectives as well, but these are my educated perspectives based on what I see, hear, and research. Trust me, after 15 years of research, debates in the social media arena, and testimony in our political arena, I’ve learned a thing or ten about all of the above. 

It may sound dark and dreary because, without a fix soon, that’s all I can see happening. It appears corruption is running rampant in DC and within our judicial system as well. We are watching judges bully their past bullies with contempt for the office they hold while politicians are doing the same thing with their stonewalling, slanderous allegations, and total lack of work ethics. 

We have watched politicians taunting other politicians from their pulpits as they conduct sham trials that never should’ve been entertained. We’ve watched apparent corruption go unchecked while allowing media-hyped fallacies to dominate the airwaves. Zeroes have been turned into faux heroes while real heroes have been reduced to zeroes and We the People are at fault or complicit in allowing it all to happen. 

We have done it all without forethought of what might be left of our future and if we don’t see that corruption for what it is, now history will surely repeat itself. History always repeats itself when weaker men and women become reliant upon those who rule while devaluing those who’ve been protecting them from the big bad wolves and other things that go bump in the night. Those types of people have been tagged as misogynistic, emotionless, racist, narcissistic psychos who need to chill and get in touch with their softer side.  

I don’t know about y’all, but I’m getting worn out hearing all the fearmongering filth that is being spewed by this new “cult of personalities” that is dominating the airwaves and interwebs. I’m tired of being told I need to be less masculine and more feminine. I’m tired of letting people with zero experience and work ethic, run this country. So much so that I’m about to defect to the wilderness of Alaska where I can deal with subzero temps while trying to keep myself warm and fed. 

Unfortunately, we are running out of places to go in this world where honest, hardworking, law-abiding citizens are the majority. When those numbers fall even further into the toilet our Constitutional Republic is falling into, we can kiss any methods of escapism we might have away. There will be nowhere to run or hide once Progressive socialism completely replaces the greatest form of government ever created by mere mortals. There will be no voting our way out. There will certainly be no shooting our way out (like some believe we should’ve already been doing), and we’ve already failed miserably at working our way out of it, so that’s a no-go idea too.

I know there a many out there who admonish my black coffee perspectives, simply because I mention God or Jesus in most of them. Well, buttercups and fellow believers… this perspective is no different than the rest of them. Why? Simply because my God tells me to “fear not” for He has “got my six.” He has also assured me that “I might be in this world, but I am not of this world” because of the love of my Master, Jesus, His sacrifices, and promises. 

Understand one thing, these are my choices. I am exercising my free will to choose the faith it takes to believe in Him as a man who lived, breathed, died, rose again, and left an exceptional example of the type of morality we all must have to live in this world, peacefully. It is that same morality our Founders chose to use to describe what type of citizens we must remain for the form of government they were building to be adequate, exist, and survive. FYI, the majority of them never believed we would remain the moral, self-reliant, responsible citizens it would require and as such, we’ve been overwhelmed by man’s restrictive and obtrusive laws while losing control of the bastion of liberty our country was intended to remain. 

It is by my choice to also believe in His divinity as well as believe that He indeed died for my sins, so I could repent and be born again of water and Spirit, and that through Him I am forgiven (not perfect) but forgiven my trespasses so I can have life more abundantly and everlasting. 

All that I’ve said today is believed to be up for debate. Many will come here and try to do exactly that, but I’ve got a “news flash” for them. My perspectives for the day do not need defending. They are truths based on research and the type of experiences I’ve managed to amass in that time. My Christ has proven Himself to be real so many times throughout my life, that there is only one conclusion I can come to… He is exactly who He says He is and religion is exactly what man says it is. One is the truth and one is only man trying to make himself look better than others by pointing out their flaws to everyone and anyone who’ll listen. 

The rest of my perspective is based on statistics and historical facts that anyone can find if they desire and are not afraid of the truths they may find. Don’t just take my word for it, go get after it yourselves. Your country needs you to find the truth and stand united upon them. So dig deep and don’t settle for the first few search results you come across. Don’t stop reading until you find what they don’t want you to find. Remember, an educated mind is a dangerous thing, to those who want to hold onto all the power. 

So, keep seeking and you will find, but be advised, what you find will likely scare the hell out of mere mortals. Makes me wonder how anyone can live in this world and not have Jesus in their lives, but to each their own, I reckon. 

I do hope all of y’all have a great day. I hope my perspective hits home for some, and I hope it gives others a chance to think about it. Either way, I want y’all to know that I appreciate your interests and I hope you’ll share these perspectives and help them find a greater audience than social media companies want me to have again. 

Just know that I’m just a flawed man serving a perfect Master, who by my faith has made me whole and spared me from the majority of evil that lurks in the hearts of the corrupt men and women of this world. I will never be a slave on my knees… because a warrior’s heart burns too brightly in my soul. 

Patrick James


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